For those of you who know me well and know my relationship with Noam you will know that we are very close. I will do anything in the world to protect all my kids, to give them the best life I can give them... sometimes the protection is something they just don't need, Noam in particular. For a few years now we have been working on language with Noam. I would have to agree and it is something that the institute and it's wonderful people have pointed out that Noam doesn't have a need to talk. I and we as a family talk for him.. without knowing it we are actually hindering his speech development as well as creating a field of behavioural issues which we play into ( especially me)! I am learning about the capability of a child who every day surprises me.
Today we had some big tantrums. I'll admit that I got to a point where i fell into the trap of yelling and getting frustrated. going head to head with Noam simply feeds into his seek of attention. Slowly I am discovering that the world of speech and explanation (mediation) actually eliminates frustration, lack of communication and most of all anger! I guess I am human and at times struggle as any parent does but the more I learn the more he succeeds!

I DID IT!!!! |
Oh and before I forget, the surprise i wasn't telling you about was a big flop so their is really no point writing about it! sorry, i know you were all getting very curious but really don't loose any sleep over it.
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