Tuesday, May 17, 2011

It's not the first time in the past five years that someone has said to me 'Limor, you have to stop being such a good mother'. It's also not the first time these words have brought tears to my eyes. Why?

For those of you who know me well and know my relationship with Noam you will know that we are very close. I will do anything in the world to protect all my kids, to give them the best life I can give them... sometimes the protection is something they just don't need, Noam in particular. For a few years now we have been working on language with Noam. I would have to agree and it is something that the institute and it's wonderful people have pointed out that Noam doesn't have a need to talk. I and we as a family talk for him.. without knowing it we are actually hindering his speech development as well as creating a field of behavioural issues which we play into ( especially me)! I am learning about the capability of a child who every day surprises me.
Today we had some big tantrums. I'll admit that I got to a point where i fell into the trap of yelling and getting frustrated. going head to head with Noam simply feeds into his seek of attention. Slowly I am discovering that the world of speech and explanation (mediation) actually eliminates frustration, lack of communication and most of all anger! I guess I am human and at times struggle as any parent does but the more I learn the more he succeeds!

Today Noam showed me is ability to develop new skills. His ability to learn listen and succeed!
I DID IT!!!!
May I also add that participating in the group sessions at the institute have once again wowed me!! Noam not only enjoyed every minute he thrived! using three word sentences interacting with kids who don't even speak his language! and wait for it, eating CAPSICUM and RICE WITH CHICKEN.

Oh and before I forget, the surprise i wasn't telling you about was a big flop so their is really no point writing about it! sorry, i know you were all getting very curious but really don't loose any sleep over it.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Now I did video a session with Shoshana the phycologist today! What a woman!! the session was amazing and we learnt lots about Noam. She also managed to get about three or so FULL sentences out of him. I cant seem to upload it on here!! NOT HAPPY!

I also thought i would quickly add some pictures of the Yoga cards I was talking about the other day just incase anyone is interested!

Tomorrow we are doing something i am really looking forward to... shh it's a secret can't tell anyone yet!
Where to begin? I often write what I think. Most of the time I have no idea if it makes any sense to anyone else... somehow getting it down on paper works for me. Today is no different! We had a fantastic day at the institute today. We continued with the old and added some new. Noam worked with a new therapist today I was a little apprehensive when I looked at the weeks schedule and saw that he had some new therapists. My theory was that we had gotten through two really tough weeks, finally he was settling with the therapist he knows and now they go changing them on me! Well good thing they did. Not that I don't love the others because I do, but this lady was fantastic. She taught me a lot about following through. She worked on behaviour as well as cognitive abilities. We discussed Furensteins three stages of thinking.  There is the input and data gathering stage, the processing stage and  the output stage through intentional mediation Noam is able to restructure his thinking and in tern develop a greater skills in learning abilities.  She explained to me why Noam needs more input and how it will help his overall understanding as well as behaviour. She showed me the difference practically and once again it all just fell into place!

Today i discovered the importance of constantly doing things differently with Noam. Noam is a creature of habit if something is done one way once or twice then thats the way it will be forever! The therapist tried getting him to spell his name with letters.. She had his name on a pice of paper then had individual letters. He had to match them. He did because Noam knows his letters however placed them on top of his name rather than on the board. Noam is used to matching by placing on top! Today after three attempts he learnt a new skill!

Now for the best part of the day! Noam joined a group of five children at the institute. These sessions are run by OT's, Speech therapists, special Ed teachers and I am sure some others.. The idea was to leave him to give me a break! when i left he SCREAMED!! I cried like a baby!! When I came back i could hear Noam from out in the corridor. he was having fun! He came out of the room and was so excited to see me. One of the boys who also has DS a good few years older than Noam asked him if he would like to join them in the class room? the therapist translated for Noam and Noam said YES. Loud and clear YES YES.. he didn't even look back. He went with the boy to the class and sat with the five children.
He actively participated in the group session for 30 minutes. Dong everything all the kids did and interacting! The therapist to my amazement ran the class in english and hebrew!

I got some pictures of the group session but they are a little blurry because I had to hide!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

reflections with a little play

The sole purpose for coming to Israel is for the intensive program the institute offers. Sadly their is no such place in Australia but we are working on it! I can't  help but ponder the thought of bringing Naish and the kids to Israel for a year or two so that Noam can work at the institute with these inspirational people for a longer period of time. I honestly believe it would change his life. Practically i know these thought are only dreams. Reality kicks in and well we all know what that means!

Most of you know that I have spent many years in Israel. I connect to the culture and the people and honestly I have always felt Israel to be my home away from home. I feel it even more now! This trip for me has been a very different experience, being here with Noam has shown me a side of Israel i never knew existed. For one i now know where all the parks are in Jerusalem not just the pubs!  It has been hard to move around and see people in our free time as Noam has really struggled with the change and has been finding it hard to settle. One thing he is enjoying is chatting to people as i wheel him around in the pram. Through the shooks (markets) and through the streets I am certain that he too is connecting to country that means so much to me! 
Today we went with my friend Aviv and her son Guy to Neve Tzedek in Telaviv.  As we walked around I was amazed at how much the city of Telaviv has changed. I have to admit I am falling more and more in love with the new Israel every day. 

Its was an amazing today today and it felt great to be free of the emotion that comes with our experiences in Jerusalem. It was amazing to spend time with my dear friend who herself is an inspiration to me!

tomorrow it's back to work and I am really looking forward to learning learning learning and more learning! 

Thursday, May 12, 2011

It's been a short week at the institute. A shame but that's what you get in a country that celebrates.. We arrived back in Jerusalem on wednesday after the independence day celebrations. Noam was a little angry to leave Bilu (my families house) but was very excited to see the staff at the institute when we got there. He is still struggling a little to cooperate at the beginning of sessions but is coming around quicker than the past few weeks! Mediation is the key and golly it works! It seems that a few of the staff have tuned into what he likes. Most sessions now start with something to do with sheep, cars or trains. This is a great way to get him involved and interested! WE continued with counting, sorting, up and down lines and to my surprise Noam is starting to think more methodically... He too is very proud of himself. We are starting to see words like WOW and YEY disappear as he begins to embrace language and use phrases like "I DID IT".

One of the sessions we have had weekly is Yoga for children. Besides a tool used to calm and relax the session involves symbolic representation which will give Noam the skill to identify symbols and and relate them to every day experiences and objects. This time it was my turn to say WOW! the therapists showed him a card of a yoga pose, next to it she placed a card (picture) of an animal doing the same pose. Noam has to relate the two cards and then do the pose with his body. The first two session we have had with Ayelet he found it difficult to relate the two. Today he was a pro, achieving all the poses with ease and identifying the relation between the two. he really enjoying the experience at the same time! Video and pics to follow next week.

Next week Noam will participate in group sessions within a combined mainstream and special needs kinder program. This will give me some time to myself (which I soooo need) as well as give the therapists the opportunity to observe and work with Noam within a group session.

For now time to spell check and say goodbye!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Okay this post is for Mum and Naish. I PROMISE TO SPELL CHECK from now on!
I have never been the best at spelling and grammar. When I type, I type fast without really thinking. I have so much in my head that it just comes out. I forget to check. Sorry to all.
A great day was had by all with family for Yom Ha-atsmaut. Back to work tomorrow!
