Wednesday, April 13, 2011

This trip would not be possible without the support and donations of many amazing people! There are honestly no words to describe our gratitude to those of you you who have contributed! This once in a life time opportunity has only been made possible thanks to YOU! Back home i will be leaving Mika and Shuly with Naish. I can't begin to describe how much this hurts and how much I wish this cold be a journey we was a family share together! Reality is that it will be Noam and my Journey but all of our futures! HOw grateful i am to know that Naish and the kids have the support of so many family and friends  .Without them this trip would also not be possible! THANK YOU!

Preparing Noam for the trip doesn't come with ease. Sometimes I wonder if all the fear is only my fear! We have done lots of talking about flying and being away. He seems excited but how much he understands is anyone's guess! When reality kicks in will the separation be to much or will he rise to the occasion??
Thanks to my beautiful friend Kim ( my rock over the past 5 years ) who is making Noam a 'social story' for the trip I can only hope that he rises to the occasion!

In the meantime it need to get myself healthy and organised! (the winter cold has kicked in.)

1 comment:

  1. Best of luck! Stay in touch. My motherin law is there right now...
