Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I wasn't going to blog today! But here I am. I felt like I didn't really have much to say and didn't want to bore anyone with words of nothing. I am so tired that i am finding it hard to fall asleep. My mind is full of endless thoughts. The trip is coming to an end with only 7 Days left at the institute! where to go from here and how am I going to get him there? If you have a chat with Naish I think he would agree that my mind is in overload... I have been emailing home with instructions to make appointments  for when we get home and there are even some that he doesn't know I have made! I am so excited for the future and determined to give Noam even more!

The past two days were hard. Noam regressed a little in behaviour and was struggling a little to cope with the demands on him. I was struggling to cope with the demands on me! Lucky for us we are surrounded by a support network of amazing individuals who lets just say 'saved the day'. It was time for a quotes and the quote of the day had to be 'ROME WASN'T BUIL IN A DAY'. No it wasn't and although tacky is was the perfect thing for someone to say to me!

Noam has come so far... It is only natural that he regresses a little. I see it as 10 steps forward 2 steps back 20 steps forward 1 step back!  His anger and frustration in the past seemed to be for no reason! It seems that now Noam's ability to understand this world around him together with his desire to be surrounded by a world of language has refocused his anger to 'real' frustration in not being able to 'talk' and use language as a tool of communication. He is trying so hard and in time  I am sure in will succeed!

Today he ate a PLATE of schnitzel! WOW

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